AeroGarden Farm Review: Guide to the Farm Series

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Have you ever dreamed of growing fresh herbs and veggies right in your kitchen? Well, now you can with AeroGarden Farm Family Gardens. These indoor gardening kits are changing how we think about gardening.

Having an AeroGarden is like having a mini farm in your home. No matter where you live or what season it is, you can always have fresh herbs and crisp lettuce for that pasta and salad you are craving!

AeroGarden uses a method called hydroponics. It means that plants grow in nutrient-rich water instead of soil. This way, they grow faster and you don’t have to deal with dirt and pesky pests.

The AeroGarden offers a fun way to get fresh, homegrown food without all the fuss of traditional gardening. Plus, there’s something satisfying about eating something you grew yourself.

Today I’ll focus on talking about the Farm series. I’ll go through the details and reasons that make the Farm product range an ideal choice for your home.

6 Key Takeaways on AeroGarden Farm Review

  1. The AeroGarden Farm series is designed for dedicated indoor gardeners. It offers larger models than other AeroGarden lines like Sprout, Harvest, and Bounty.
  2. These systems allow for vertical stacking, requiring more space but offering expansive growing opportunities compared to other AeroGarden models.
  3. AeroGarden’s hydroponic gardens deliver water and nutrients directly to plant roots.
  4. The AeroGarden Farm family includes three models: Farm 12, Farm 12 XL, and Farm 24 Basic. Each of these models offers different seed pod capacities and plant-growing capabilities.
  5. Featuring Wi-Fi connectivity, automated lighting, customizable settings, and vacation mode, AeroGarden Farm systems provide convenience and precision in plant care.
  6. The Farm series includes accessories like a trellis system for optimal plant support and growth, making it versatile for various plant types and spaces.

What Is the AeroGarden Farm?

A black AeroGarden Farm features lush green and purple lettuce plants thriving under its top LED grow light. It boasts user-friendly buttons and a small display screen on the front panel for easy indoor farming management.

AeroGarden Farm models are for those who are serious about starting their own indoor garden. The size of these models is bigger than the Sprout, Harvest, and Bounty ones. Because it is spacious, you can grow almost anything out of AeroGarden’s 30 seed kit options available on their website.

The AeroGarden Farm also allows you to create a vertical garden stack. This option is not available in other Garden Families.

The AeroGarden Farm family consists of three models: Farm 12, Farm 12 XL, and Farm 24 Basic (shop now) The numbers represent the number of seed pod openings and how many plants can be grown at once.

If you are worried about the nutritional value of these indoor-grown plants, don’t worry too much. The nutrient value of crops grown in an AeroGarden is higher than those in traditional farming. 

What Models Are Part of the AeroGarden Farm Series?

Here’s a quick comparison chart across the models within the AeroGarden Farm family:

Farm 12
Farm 12 XL
Farm 24 Basic
Plant Pod Capacity121224
Maximum Plant Grow Height24 inches36 inches12 inches
LED Light Wattage60 watts60 watts60 watts
Size (H x W x D)34″x18″x14″46″x18″x14″24″x36″x14″
Low Water ReminderYesYesYes
Nutrient ReminderYesYesYes
Automated LightsYesYesYes
Dimmable LightsYesYesYes
Vacation ModeYesYesYes
Material FinishMatteMatteMatte
Models to CheckFarm 12
(latest price)
Farm 12XL
(latest price)
Farm 24 Basic
(latest price)

You can also check the AeroGarden Amazon store (shop here) for the latest special Farm family deals.

Farm 24 Plus and Farm 24 XL used to be part of the Farm series but they have already been discontinued. People use stuff, they talk about it, and smart companies listen. That’s exactly what happened here. The makers took the product’s reviews and turned it into something better — the Farm 12.

Now, you might still spot those old models on Amazon. Want a pro tip? Always check the latest reviews before buying. They’ll give you the real scoop on what’s hot and what’s not. Trust me, it’s saved me from some serious buyer’s remorse more than once!

What Features Does an AeroGarden Farm Have?

An AeroGarden Farm in black, with a vertical hydroponic design and built-in LED grow light above lush green lettuce.

Let’s break down the features of the AeroGarden Farm, from its unique setup to its LED grow lights and stacking system. I want to make sure you know what to expect and that it matches your indoor gardening needs.

AeroGarden Farm Setup and Use

Unlike other AeroGarden systems, the AeroGarden Farm gardens are slightly more complex and require a few more steps to set up. 

For each purchase of the AeroGarden Farm, you get the following:

  • Your Farm model of choice: A 12/24-pod In-Home Garden System
  • 60W LED Grow Light System
  • Choice of Seed Pod Kit (Salad Bar Herbs & Lettuces, Salad Bar Tomatoes, or Heirloom Salad Greens). You may choose two Seed Pot Kits for the Farm 24 Basic model.
  • Liquid Plant Food
  • Power Adapter
  • Trellis

The setup for the AeroGarden Farm is more complicated than the Sprout, Harvest, and Bounty product lines.

AeroGarden Farm has several bigger parts so assembly requires more than simply locking the light system and water reservoir into place. You will need to screw in parts to make sure that the system can support the weight of several plants. You can check out their manuals here:

AeroGarden Farm Designs and Dimensions

All AeroGarden systems have the basic structure to support and stimulate plant growth. However, their design and structure differ according to the Garden Family they belong to.

Here are the dimensions and material finish of the models under the AeroGarden Farm family:

 AeroGardenFarm 12AeroGardenFarm 12 XLAeroGardenFarm 24 Basic
Size (H x W x D)34″x18″x14″46″x18″x14″24″x36″x14″
Material FinishMatteMatteMatte

These dimensions give you a clear picture of what to expect. The Farm family can accommodate larger plants as it has three models with different sizes and orientations. 

The Farm 12 and Farm 12 XL models are taller and narrower while the Farm 24 model offers more width for extra growing space. All models are offered in black. Have you thought about which one might fit best in your home? The possibilities are endless!

AeroGarden Farm Seed Pods and Kits

The AeroGarden Farm’s seed pod capacity increases as the model goes up. This product line currently holds the record for the highest plant pod capacity.

 AeroGardenFarm 12AeroGardenFarm 12 XLAeroGardenFarm 24 Basic
Plant Pod Capacity121224

You’ve got plenty of options on what can be planted with AeroGarden. Pick from 30 seed kits packed with fresh herbs, veggies, flowers, and fruits. Can’t find what you want? No worries! The Grow Anything Seed Pod Kit offers you the flexibility that you need.

If you’re wondering how long it’ll take to see those first sprouts, here’s a quick guide:

  • Flowers – 7 to 12 days
  • Salads – 5 to 8 days
  • Herbs – 5 to 15 days
  • Fruiting Vegetables – 7 to 14 days

AeroGarden’s seed pods keep producing for at least 6 months. That’s a lot of homegrown goodness! And here’s a sweet deal: if a seed doesn’t sprout within 21 days, AeroGarden will replace it for free.

AeroGarden Farm LED Grow Lights

AeroGarden Farm models use powerful, full-spectrum LED lighting. This not only boosts plant growth by up to 50% but also decreases power use by up to 60% compared to older CFL bulbs. It’s like having a mini sun right in your home! All models in the Farm series use 60 watts.

 AeroGardenFarm 12AeroGardenFarm 12 XLAeroGardenFarm 24 Basic
Maximum PlantGrow Height24 inches36 inches12 inches
LED Light Wattage60 watts60 watts60 watts
Automated LightsYesYesYes
Dimmable LightsYesYesYes

Their technology uses white light to speed up growth, blue light to help plants grow big, and red light to encourage more flowers. With these LED lights you’re nurturing your plants with the best technology out there.

AeroGarden Farm model’s lights are fully customizable. You can adjust the grow light’s intensity, sunrise or sunset cycle, or even the height capacity with just a tap on the touchscreen control panel.

Make sure to keep the grow lights 4 to 6 inches above your plants for best results. AeroGarden’s lights generally have 2 to 4-year life spans, so you won’t need to change them out for quite some time.

AeroGarden Farm Water Pump and Tank

In any AeroGarden system, the water pump plays a big role in keeping plants happy and healthy. It’s like the heart of your garden.

A rule of thumb is to change your water every two weeks. Fresh water means happy plants! Maintaining a water schedule helps fight off pesky microorganisms and algae, keeping your tank clean. A well-maintained AeroGarden is a thriving AeroGarden.

AeroGarden Farm Controls, Adjustments, and Connectivity

The AeroGarden Farm has a touchscreen control panel that’s super easy to use. 

 AeroGardenFarm 12AeroGardenFarm 12 XLAeroGardenFarm 24 Basic
Low Water ReminderYesYesYes
Nutrient ReminderYesYesYes
Automated LightsYesYesYes
Dimmable LightsYesYesYes
Vacation ModeYesYesYes

The Farm series surely has it all: Wi-Fi Connectivity, water and nutrient reminders, automated and dimmable lights, and the most exciting of all — Vacation Mode!

You can tweak the light intensity and even set up a sunrise or sunset effect. It’s like bringing the outdoors in so your plants will feel right at home.

Want to check on your garden while you’re out? No problem! The Farm connects to Wi-Fi, so you can use the mobile app to keep an eye on things. You can even talk to your garden using Alexa.

With the AeroGarden Farm, you’re not just growing plants but creating your own little ecosystem. It’s perfect for plant lovers who want a high-tech, low-effort way to grow their favorite greens. 

AeroGarden Farm Vacation Mode

AeroGarden’s nifty Vacation Mode is like a plant-sitter, but way cooler.

When you flip on Vacation Mode, your AeroGarden Farm adjusts. The lights don’t stay on as long, which means your plants take it easy too. They grow slower and sip less water as well.

You’ll come home to happy, healthy plants. No more worrying about overgrown jungles or crispy leaves. Without vacation mode, your plants might grow too tall and get too close to the lights. That’s a recipe for burnt, yellow-brown leaves. Yikes!

AeroGarden Farm Stacking System

An AeroGarden Farm with LED grow lights cultivating lush green and red lettuce indoors. It features dual growing compartments and a top digital control panel.

You’ll love how easy it is to create a stunning living wall with the AeroGarden Farm Stacking System. It’s perfect for the Farm 12 or Farm 12XL, and Farm 24 Basic gardens. You can stack two farms up for a tall green wall or side-by-side for a wider display. 

Make sure you have enough space and air circulation before you start. This addition could be a great focal point in your living room or a fresh inclusion to your kitchen. Your new living wall will be a conversation starter for sure. Have fun with it!

AeroGarden Farm Trellis System

Growing tall plants in your AeroGarden? You might need a trellis system. It’s perfect for big plants like peppers and tomatoes. These plants can get heavy and need extra support to grow well.

Bounty and Farm models both offer a trellis system. However, due to size, the Farm models come with an advanced magnetic trellis system that can be freely moved around. This lets you put it right where your plants need it. For more basic models such as the Sprout and Harvest 2.0, you can use bamboo sticks as a DIY trellis instead.

Giving your plants the support they need will reward you with a bountiful harvest.

AeroGarden Farm Family Product Video

AeroGarden Farm Final Thoughts

The AeroGarden Farm series is a game-changer for indoor gardening fans like you and me. These models give us tons of space to grow all sorts of plants right in our homes. From herbs to leafy greens and even pretty flowers, the Farm series has got us covered.

What’s really cool is how these gardens grow vertically. You can stack them up and create a living wall of green in your home. It’s like having your own mini jungle!

This product line also provides you with a user experience like no other. It has fully customizable LED lights, Wi-Fi connectivity (for when you want to check your plant’s status on your phone), and automatic reminders for plant care.

There is no doubt how easy AeroGarden makes growing nutritious food possible. It’s high-tech but doesn’t require a lot of effort. You’ll feel like a gardening wizard in no time!

AeroGarden Farm FAQs

1. Can I Grow Tomatoes in My AeroGarden?

Yes. AeroGardens has simplified the process by testing and selecting various tomato varieties that can be grown in their system. They also offer different garden models that yield varying results.

2. What Happens if AeroGarden Runs Out of Water?

If the water reservoir of your AeroGarden runs dry, your pump stops, and the LED grow light switches off. This alerts you that your garden needs water. It will temporarily reduce your plants’ water needs as well.

3. How Long Do AeroGarden Seed Pod Kits Last?

Seed pods will germinate for one year from the date of purchase. Usually, seeds stay viable for up to two years when stored correctly, though heat or humidity can shorten their lifespan.

Want to explore other AeroGarden Families? Check these articles out:

Fast Growing Trees and Plants

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Written by:

Henry Bravo
Henry Bravo, a University of California, Davis graduate with a BS in Plant Sciences, combines his expertise in horticulture with a passion for smart technology. He specializes in smart gardens, hydroponics, and robotic lawn care, aiming to enhance gardening practices for families. Henry's articles focus on integrating cutting-edge technology to make gardening more efficient and enjoyable, reflecting his commitment to merging natural greenery with innovative solutions.

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