Spider plants are known for their long, spindly leaves. That earns it its other names such as ribbon plant, airplane plant, or spider ivy.
However, leaves are not the only thing that this plant is able to boast about because it can occasionally produce flowers as well. When and if they do essentially depends on the variety, environmental conditions, and special care that is given to them.
The most important factors to consider are light exposure, amounts of water, fertilization, and pot size.
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If you wish to achieve white blooms on your spider plant, then stay with us and we’ll walk you through it.
Do Spider Plants Flower?

Spider plants can develop flowers, but it is quite rare. Even the most experienced growers can be taken by surprise, while to a newbie these small and inconspicuous flowers might go unnoticed.
Since they usually live for just a few weeks, many times you will see them when they are already withering and falling off.
If you pay a lot of attention to your plant, you will first notice it produces long arching stems with a few small green leaves. After a while, the white flowers will develop at the end of the stems.
Spider plant varieties would produce flowers differently. Some would grow in a cluster and some would produce single blossoms.
Despite being no larger than a US quarter, spider plant flowers can be very decorative with three-six petals that are usually white. These blooms also have symmetrically long and thin petals that resemble a star.
Because these flowers don’t rely on pollinators, they do lack a discernible scent. After the flowers die, and if the plant has been pollinated, small green seed pods will take their place.
The seeds can be harvested to propagate your spider plants, although it is much easier to grow these plants from their so-called babies, or spiderettes.
These are miniature spider plants that grow at the end of the stems if the flowers haven’t been pollinated.
When Do Spider Plants Flower?

When grown indoors, spider plants usually flower during the spring and summer. Most spider plants start flowering when they are mature and only if they are slightly pot-bound.
This means that the roots have used all the available space and are starting to take the shape of the pot.
Spider plants like to feel a bit confined, but if you start noticing roots growing out of drainage holes or on top of the soil, it’s time to repot your spider plant.
Some varieties, on the other hand, bloom as young plants and then don’t produce any more flowers for the rest of their lives. So before doing everything you can to have your spider plant flower, check the flowering age of the variety you’re growing.
Should I Cut the Flowers off the Spider Plant?

For some plants, it’s strongly advised to deadhead flowers. This has the purpose of having the plant devote all of its energy to growing stronger and healthier leaves since producing flowers and seeds takes up plenty of resources.
Spider plants aren’t among the species that need to have the flowers pruned. Their blooms are so rare and last for such a short time that it’s not worth it to take them off.
Moreover, if you make sure your plant gets pollinated you will be able to collect the seeds and sow them to grow baby spider plants.
This is not to say that it isn’t possible to cut spider plant flowers. Whether it’s a good idea to do it or not ultimately depends on what you want to accomplish.
If you deadhead the flowers during the summer, it will keep the plant healthy and encourage growth. You can remove them with your hands or use a pruning shear, to make sure that you are taking off the buds as well.
Spider Plant Flowering Tips

The best way to ensure a blooming and gorgeous spider plant is to provide ideal conditions. Here are some tips on how to accomplish this:
1. Place Spider Plants in Bright Indirect Sunlight
Spider plants won’t bloom if they are exposed to too much or not enough indirect light.
Ideally, they should be moved throughout the year to get more light during the summer and a bit less in winter. This is to mimic outside conditions. You could also turn the pot periodically so that every part of the plant gets equal light.
2. Develop the Correct Watering Schedule

Spider plants don’t need frequent watering in general because they have thick tuberous roots that can keep them hydrated for a long time.
These plants don’t appreciate having wet feet by sitting in too much excess water. Make sure to water your plant only when the top two inches of the soil dry out as excess watering will most likely lead to root rot.
Also, adjust your regular watering schedule to cater to the needs of your plant depending on the season. You might not have moist soil for a long time during summer as compared to winter.
These plants also do well in average humidity.
3. Use a Low Dose Fertilizer
The best fertilizer for spider plants is one with a 4-4-4 or even a 2-4-4 NPK ratio. Too strong a fertilizer will prevent the plants from blooming and they will instead produce bushy green plants.
Something you can experiment with is a bloom-boosting fertilizer, but always at a low dose.
This should be added to the soil in the spring season, which is the season spider plants are more likely to bloom.
4. Keep Your Spider Plants Pot-Bound

A common question that people ask is when the perfect time is to repot their plants when they want them to bloom. You can answer this by observing your plant closely.
When spider plants don’t have any room to grow, they will look for other ways to spread. This leads to them growing spider plant blooms which will allow them to reproduce.
Make sure not to keep them in too small a pot for too long though, or they will eventually suffer.
A good practice is to repot your spider plant in a container that is just slightly bigger than the previous one.
Final Thoughts on Blooming and Flowering Tips of Spider Plant Flowers
If you want to see flowers on spider plants, make sure to provide them with bright but indirect sunlight, use low doses of fertilizer during spring, and keep your plants pot-bound.
This will give this popular houseplant the best conditions for flowering.
If you have a variety of spider plants that don’t bloom even after following all these tips, don’t worry – it’s normal! Some spider plants simply don’t flower regardless if they receive proper care.
If you enjoyed scrolling through this article and want to learn more about spider plants, then click on one of these awesome articles:
- How Big Should a Spider Plant Pot Be
- Spider Plant Care After Repotting
- Grow Spider Plant From Seed
- When to Fertilize Spider Plant
- How Fast Does a Spider Plant Grow
I didn;t know that the spider plant bears flowers I hope I can make mine do that
My spider plant is currently flowering and has been for over a month. There are 4 stems approximately 4-5’ long and one that is probably 7 feet long. I’d love to talk to a spider plant expert, I have some questions if you wouldn’t mind emailing me.