How Big Do Venus Flytraps Get?

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How big do Venus Flytraps get? This article, will cover Venus flytrap sizes and the biggest flytrap ever. Then I’ll share some tips to help the Venus flytrap grow even larger.

Venus Flytraps have a special place in the collective imagination, thanks to science fiction films featuring giant carnivorous man-eating plants. But these lovely plants are actually delicate insect-eaters that inhabit the subtropical wetlands or bogs found in the North and South Carolina areas of the U.S. east coast.

In their natural habitat, the soil is nutrient-poor, and bugs are trapped and digested to supplement nutrition needs. That makes Venus Flytraps members of a unique and intriguing group of carnivorous plants.

As early as 1875, Charles Darwin wrote in his published “Insectivorous Plants” about the Venus Flytrap as “one of the most wonderful [plants] in the world.”

How Big Do Venus Flytraps Get?

Venus Flytrap plants can grow as large as approximately 6 inches in diameter, with the average measuring between 4 to 5 inches. Single traps will grow to 1.5 inches in length, usually with single leaves measuring somewhere between 1 to 3 inches. The Venus Flytrap plant can grow to a height of about 12 inches.

In the best of conditions, each Venus Flytrap plant will generally feature as many as 4 to 8 individual traps, but there have been instances where a single plant has grown as many as 20 traps.

These plants are very slow growers, and according to the National Wildlife Federation, some, when cared for properly, can live for as long as 20 years.

Venus Flytrap Eating a Fly

What Is the Biggest Venus Flytrap Ever?

While it is not easy to find records of Venus Flytrap sizes, the Guinness Book of World Records did start to include the largest Venus Fly trap in its 2022 edition.

According to Guinness, the world’s largest Venus Flytrap belongs to Jeremiah Harris of Colorado Springs. He is cited with a trap measuring a whopping 2.4 inches, making it at least a centimeter longer than other known traps in existence.

There is a Venus Flytrap variety and clone, the Dionaea B-52, that is considered to be the Giant Venus Flytrap. This clone was also produced in the United States by Henning Von Schmeling.

The name “B-52” does not refer to the famous bomber jet, but is Von Schmeling’s code for the plant.  These cultivars’ traps will reach roughly two inches, making them double the normal size of a Venus Flytrap.

However, this makes Harris’ Guinness measurement all the more impressive at practically 2.4 inches for the biggest Venus Fly Trap.

Venus Flytrap Size Factors

How big can a Venus flytrap get?

The variability of a trap size will be influenced by numerous factors during cultivation, from the container size to sun and shade.

Venus flytrap variety sizes also depend on a number of factors. Different varieties will grow to different sizes depending on the growing conditions and contributing environmental factors, including:

  • Container sizes
  • Environmental temperatures
  • Humidity
  • Growing medium
  • Sunlight strength
  • Insects and different nutritional values
  • The root temperature
  • Root oxygen supply
When and How Venus Flytraps Open and Close

Venus Flytrap Variety Sizes

The Venus Flytrap, regardless of the specific cultivar, is not a particularly large plant. Known botanically as the Dionaea Muscipula, once the plant reaches maturity, it will feature a trap size of approximately one inch.

The general sizes that you should expect when cultivating a standard Venus Flytrap will depend on the age of your plant and can be approximated as follows. Take a look at this chart of the Venus fly trap sizes by age and the best pots for them

Venus Fly Trap AgeSize of the TrapDiameter of the pot or container size
Newborn SeedlingsVery TinyCan be a seedling tray or container
One to two years1/8-inch2-inch pot
Two to three years¼-inch3-inch port
Three years½-inch4 to 5-inch pot
Four years or more1 to 2 inches6-inch pot
How big do Venus Fly Traps get?

The Venus Flytrap growing season is during the spring and summer months. During the winter they enter dormancy, and they reduce their size during this period of rest. When Venus Flytraps exit dormancy, they continue stronger growth because they are well-rested.

While these are approximate average measurements for a standard Venus Flytrap, there are many varied cultivars of this species with several being a bit larger. Some of the more well-known varieties include:

  • Akai Ryu also known as the Red Dragon
  • Dionaea B-52 (Giant Venus Flytrap)
  • Dionaea Big Mouth
  • Dionaea Dente
  • Dionaea Ginormous
  • Dionaea Green Dragon
  • Dionaea Low Giant
  • Dionaea SD Kronos
  • King Henry

Mentioned earlier, the Dionaea B-52 is also referred to as the Giant Venus Flytrap because its traps average 2 inches in length, doubling the expected length of a standard plant.

Another very large flytrap variety is the Dionaea Ginormous, which mimics the B-52 dimensions. The SD Kronos is reported to produce traps of 1.5-inches or slightly larger.

The Red Dragon grows traps that measure from 1 to 2 inches, while the Big Mouth will generally grow a trap that is 1 inch.

The majority of Venus Flytrap varieties have trap sizes that will vary between the 1 and 2 inch range.

Top Tips to Grow Big Venus Flytraps

There are some things that you can do to give you a better chance of large Venus Flytraps. Here are some tips to help you achieve bigger plants.

Here are the top tips to encourage Venus Flytrap growth: 

  1. Feed Nutritious Insects Feeding mealworms and nutritious insects to your plants will increase the amount of protein available to them. This will provide them with an energy boost that will allow them to grow faster and more efficiently.
  2. Use High Quality Potting Soil – A good quality, well-draining soil will help it get the oxygen it needs. Make sure the soil mix is also nutrient-free and mineral-free. 
  3. Water Regularly – Watering regularly will keep the soil moist and plants hydrated. It will prevent them from drying out too much. 
  4. Keep Fertilizer Off Plants – Too much fertilizer can cause problems such as stunted growth.
  5. Allow for Dormancy – Allow the plant to go into dormancy so that it can save up on energy for the growing season.
  6. Cut Off Venus Flytrap Flowers – Cut off all of the flowers to avoid having any competition for nutrients and water. This will allow the plant to get the energy to grow larger, instead of the flowers growing. 
  7. Remove Dead Leaves – Remove dead and black leaves from the plant, so it’s not taking away energy, space, and will help promote new leaf growth. 

Following these tips should ensure that you get bigger Venus Flytraps. 

How Big Venus Flytraps Get Final Thoughts

When cultivating Venus Flytraps, whether standard or a larger-sized cultivar, remember that even the larger varieties are limited in the dimensions that they will grow to.

You will not find traps that measure much more than 2 inches in length. If you are intrigued by a larger specimen, you may want to begin with a B-52 or Dionaea Ginormous cultivar.

Whichever variety you opt for, be patient. Venus Flytraps are fascinating, and with the proper attention and care, will continue to grow and thrive for the duration of their life, rewarding you with a unique addition to your home garden.

To learn more about the Venus Flytrap, check out these articles: 

Fast Growing Trees and Plants

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Written by:

Amy Walsh
Amy Walsh is a passionate indoor gardener, deeply engrossed in the world of houseplants and herbs. Her apartment is a lush sanctuary of foliage, reflecting her journey from hobbyist to devoted botanist. She's constantly exploring the latest in smart garden technology, eager to share her insights on nurturing green spaces indoors. Alongside her botanical pursuits, Amy enjoys connecting with nature and friends, continually enriching her lifestyle with greenery and growth.

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