How to Water Aloe Vera Plants for Healthy Growth

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Proper care of aloe vera plants starts with making sure it receives enough water to stay healthy. Luckily, it’s not difficult, as the major need is to keep the soil slightly moist, while not overwatering or underwatering. 

This article will discuss how to water aloe vera plants to keep it growing healthily. 

Aloe Vera Water Requirements

Aloe vera can be grown successfully in most climates if watered regularly during the growing season, but less frequently in winter. Watering should be moderate to allow roots to grow and thrive while avoiding drowning.

Established aloe vera plants can tolerate periods of drought, but they still need water regularly to survive, especially when young. Young plants need regular watering to survive, and should be watered at least once per week, depending on the environment where you live.

Plants that experience extreme sun and heat may require a soil test to determine whether they are receiving adequate water.

Stick your into the soil to see if the soil is dry. If the soil is dry, you can water the plant. If it’s moist, wait until it’s dry to water.

Also, check to make sure the pot container’s drainage holes are allowing excess water to drain through. Don’t let water get soggy.  

How to Water Aloe Vera Plants

Aloe vera plants should be watered when they need it, and watering should be deep. Deep watering encourages the release of built-up salt in the soil.

City water supplies may contain minerals and chemicals that are harmful to the aloe vera, so it’s best to use distilled, filtered, or rainwater. 

When pouring water into a pot, do not pour it too quickly. Instead, pour it slowly and steadily. Pour slowly so that you don’t waste any water.

Stop pouring when you see water draining out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. 

How Much Water Does the Aloe Vera Need?

The amount of water needed by aloe vera depends on the environment you live in. Is it a dry or humid climate? What are the general temperatures indoors and outdoors?

You can do the soil moisture test with your finger to check how quickly the soil dries. 

Waterings should be deep. That means when you water, you can drench the soil and allow the water to adequately drain out through the pot’s drainage holes. 

How Often to Water Aloe Vera Plants?

It’s important to know how often to water an established aloe vera plant. The more mature the plant, the less frequent its needs are. A well-established aloe vera plant requires only one or two weekly waterings throughout the year.

Younger plants should be watered more frequently as it will drink up the water quickly because it needs the nutrients in its early life. It also helps prevent root rot from developing.

Feeling the soil will let you know when you need to water the plant. That is always the easiest test to know when it’s time to water the plant. 

One tip to learn how often you need to water your aloe vera plant is to keep a log of when you water it. You’ll start finding a regular schedule of when you should be watering the aloe vera. 

Should I Water the Aloe Vera From Top or Bottom?

Aloe vera call grow rather tall and wide. This makes them susceptible to getting top heavy. When this happens, the roots get stressed because their weight has been shifted onto fewer roots. In addition, the leaves become weak and wilt easily.

To avoid these problems, water the aloe vera from the bottom. By doing this, you’re ensuring all the roots receive equal amounts of water. Also, since the plant grows downward, it won’t have to work hard to support itself.

If you’d like to wet the leaves, you can mist them. 

Signs of Aloe Vera Watering Issues

Keep an eye out for signs of watering problems with the aloe vera. These include: yellowed leaves; wilted leaves; brown spots on leaf tips; dark green leaves turning pale green; and blackened stems. 

These signs and symptoms could be watering or other issues that you’ll want to take care of. 

Oedema (Edema)

Aloe vera plants can hold onto excess amounts of water. Once you’ve given your aloe vera some time to dry out, these wet areas will still be there. These wet areas are called oedema or edemas. They’re caused by too much water inside the plant.

They will appear like blisters on the aloe leaves. The blisters will start out small and grow larger. 

The wet areas don’t go away easily as they’re oversaturated with water. You will need to replace the old soil with fresh potting soil that’s well-draining. 

Leaf Discoloration

Look at the colors of the leaves of your aloe veras. They should be green, not yellowish or brownish. Yellow means too much water, while brown means too little. Too much water can lead to root rot.

Soft Leaves

Aloe vera plants are known for their thick leaves, but if those leaves are soaked with water, their leaves may start to grow soft.

Soft leaves mean the plant isn’t receiving enough air circulation. If you notice any softness in the leaves, then give the plant extra light exposure to help them dry. 

Sagging Leaves

Those same leaves can start sagging, drooping, and becoming leggy when they’re carrying too much water. 

To prevent this issue, make sure the holes in the bottom of the container allow adequate drainage, so the soil stays moist without being waterlogged.

Learn more about Leggy Aloe Reasons and Fixes.

Mold Growing In The Soil

You might see mold growing around the base of the stem. It’s usually white, gray, black, or dark green. Mold doesn’t harm the plant, but it does indicate poor conditions within the soil. Mold can eventually lead to fungal diseases, so you’ll want to get rid of the mold. 

To get rid of mold in the soil, remove the entire plant from its pot and wash off the dirt. Then, add new potting mix into the hole where the plant was previously located. Make sure the new soil drains properly too. 

This helps improve the overall health of the plant. As long as you do this regularly, you shouldn’t experience any further growth issues. 

Root Rot

Another common issue with aloe vera plants is root rot. Root rot develops when the soil becomes too moist after being overwatered. If the soil gets too damp, the roots cannot breathe properly.

Roots breathe through tiny pores on their surface. If those pores aren’t open, then the roots cannot absorb oxygen. As a result, the roots die off.

This causes the entire plant to suffer. Leaves turn yellow and fall off, making way for new growth. Eventually, the whole thing dies.

How to Water Aloe Vera Plants Final Thoughts

Aloe vera plants require regular care and proper watering is just one part of good care. This also includes proper fertilization, pest control, and plenty of sunlight. When you keep up with these things, you won’t have to worry about having problems with your aloes.

If you’d like more information on how to maintain healthy aloe vera plants, check out these other articles: 

Fast Growing Trees and Plants

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Written by:

Amy Walsh
Amy Walsh is a passionate indoor gardener, deeply engrossed in the world of houseplants and herbs. Her apartment is a lush sanctuary of foliage, reflecting her journey from hobbyist to devoted botanist. She's constantly exploring the latest in smart garden technology, eager to share her insights on nurturing green spaces indoors. Alongside her botanical pursuits, Amy enjoys connecting with nature and friends, continually enriching her lifestyle with greenery and growth.

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