There are over 450 varieties of philodendrons available. Some are very rare and expensive. Others are common and inexpensive. But how do you choose between them?
In this article, I’ll share with you the most popular philodendron varieties and help you decide which ones you should grow as houseplants.
You’ll learn why each variety is so popular and how you can make sure you get the best philodendron plants for your home.
Philodendron Varieties

The following list includes some of the most popular philodendron varieties on the market today. There are so many different kinds of philodendrons. Some are easy to grow, some are hard to find, and others are really expensive.
Many of these have been around for decades and are still widely grown by gardeners. Others are new introductions and will probably become favorites soon.
There are two main types of philodendron plants. Philodendrons will be either an upright or hanging (climbing and vining) variety. Most are fairly easy to grow and don’t need much special care.
Climbing or vining philodendrons have heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines that can be placed in baskets or hung from ceilings or shelves. They grow well indoors or outdoors and require very little care.
Vining philodendrons are very popular because they add beauty to any room. They’re easy to grow and require minimal care. There are many varieties of vining plants available, like the Pink Princess Philodendron and Black Cardinal Philodendron.
Upright philodendrons are usually tall plants with large green leaves. They grow more slowly, but their growth rate can still be higher than other kinds of plants.
Upright philodendron leaves are big and wide and may even need supports to hold them up. An example of an upright variety is the Philodendron Xanadu.
Choose a plant that suits your taste and home decor.
General Philodendron Care

Philodendrons are plants that need to be watered regularly. Their roots should always stay wet. They also need lots of bright indirect sunlight. They grow better when avoiding direct light and if there is some shade as well.
All philodendrons need good light and plenty of water. The soil needs to drain well and not be too wet. If it’s soggy and overwatered, the roots won’t grow properly and could result in root rot.
Philodendrons are tropical plants, so they prefer higher humidity environments. In general, they thrive at temperatures above 65°F – 75°F (18.3°C – 23.9°C).
Don’t let the soil dry out completely. Check the top inch of soil by sticking your finger in to see if it’s dry and need water. You’ll need to water more during its growing season. During the winter months, give them less frequent watering.
Check the soil moistness regularly to understand the best watering schedule and frequency that’s right for your area and climate.
They should get regular feedings every month during the growing season in the spring and summer months with a balanced fertilizer.
Yellow leaves mean that the plant is getting too much water. Check for overwatering and start to dry the overwatered soil because it could still be saved if caught early.
Philodendrons are typically very resistant to pests, but they’re not immune. They’re also poisonous, so keep them out of reach of children and pets.
This is an example of a botanical name written in British English.
1. Philodendron Birkin

The Philodendron Birkin is a beautiful variegated philodenron with cream pinstripes. This variety of philodendron has heart shaped leaves with delicate creamy white pinstripes.
The rarity of this variegation changes from one leaf to another and can even change color! Growing conditions include indirect sunlight, well draining soil, and high humidity. The ideal growing temperature range is between 60°F – 75°F (18°C – 24°C).
Philodendrons grow quickly, but they’re not very tall. They’re also easy to care for because you don’t need to water them as much as other plants.
Read the in-depth Care Guide for the Philodendron Birkin.
2. Philodendron Xanadu

The Philodendron Xanadu is a great choice for beginners who want to learn how to take care of philodendrons. It’s a compact, fast-growing plant that grows easily indoors or outdoors.
It doesn’t need much water, but it does require indirect sunlight. The plant grows up to 2 feet tall.
This plant is native to Brazil and is inexpensive, so it’s a popular variety.
Learn about in the in-depth Guide to Philodendron Xanadu Care.
3. Philodendron Grazielae
A round, fresh-faced variety, the Philodendron Grazielae is a great addition to any garden. It has glossy green, chunky leaves. The plant’s growth pattern makes a young specimen appear bushy.
The vines need support as they grow, but the plant is easy to maintain with regular pruning. The Grazielae is a unique looking plant and is growing more popular.
They don’t grow quickly and need warmer temperatures to thrive. It’s a great choice for beginners looking for something different.
Read more in the in-depth Care Guide for the Philodendron Grazielae.
4. Philodendron Lemon Lime

The Lemon Lime Philodendron, Philodendron Hederaceum, is a great looking plant. Its bright yellow-green, heart-shaped leaves are a delight to look at. The plant is hardy and will survive in cooler climates.
A very nice looking philodendron! It looks great in any room. It’s easy to care for and needs regular watering. It’s hardy, and it’s a popular choice among people who want something unique.
Learn more in the full Care Guide for the Philodendron Lemon Lime.
5. Philodendron Brasil

The Philodendron Brasil (Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Brasil’) is a beautiful plant with heart-shaped leaves that are variegated with a lime, cream, or white stripe down the center.
The Brasil variety is a very popular choice, and it’s easy to grow. It tolerates medium light, but it prefers brighter conditions than most plants.
The plant is fast-growing, hardy and thrives in warm temperatures.
6. Philodendron Gloriosum
The Philodendron Gloriosum is a wonderful plant. It’s a striking plant with large, glossy green leaves that will grow to 3 feet wide.
The plant is easy to care for and is tolerant of low light levels. Gloriosums are very adaptable and can handle a wide range of environments.
They grow in a more compact fashion with its heart-shaped leaves. It’s not a sprawling, vining plant like many other philodendrons.
Read more in the in-depth Care Guide for the Philodendron Gloriosum.
7. Philodendron Billietiae
The Philodendron Billietiae is a compact plant with thick, leathery leaves that works with any garden. The leaves are long and narrow, growing up to 3 feet long. The leaves are dark-green with light-green veins that make them very distinctive.
The Billietiae grows quickly, and they need lots of sunlight, so is best when grown outdoors.
This plant is a climbing variety, so it needs plenty of space to climb, vine, and spread out. It also grows taller when it gets more light.
Learn more in the in-depth Care Guide for the Philodendron Billietiae.
8. Philodendron Callosum
The Philodendron Callosum is a slow-growing plant with thin, wiry stems that have small, oval leaves. They’re attractive and grow slowly.
The Callosum is an excellent plant for beginners because it’s easy to maintain. It requires little attention and grows well in partial shade.
It’s a good climber, and you can use it to cover walls or trellises. It doesn’t need much water, but it does prefer moist soil.
9. Philodendron Lacerum
The Philodendron Lacerum is a beautiful climbing plant that ggrowsin tropical climates, native to the Caribbean islands. They love to climb, so give them their space.
Their semi-glossy leaves are large with some gray-green and have thick veins. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight, and are less tolerant of low light.
10. Philodendron McDowell

The Philodendrum McDowell is a gorgeous plant with huge, glossy green leaves that are heart-shaped with pointed tips and white veins.
The McDowell is one of the most popular philodendron varieties and will grow easily indoors and outdoors. Give it plenty of bright indirect light and it can thrive.
Read more in this in-depth Care Guide for the Philodendron McDowell.
11. Philodendron Paraiso Verde
The Philodendron Paraiso Verde is unique hybrid plant that looks messy, but is actually very pretty. The foliage varies: Some leaves will be mosaic or finely mottle, while others will feature bands or spots of color. Variegated plants grow better than non-variegated plants because they get more sunlight.
Paraiso Verdes are very popular plants, so it may be hard to get one. They’re easy to care for and require minimal maintenance. They grow well indoors or outdoors. They do need some sunlight, but not too much. They also need plenty of water.
Learn more in the in-depth Care Guide for the Philodendron Paraiso Verde.
12. Philodendron Melanochrysum
The Philodendron Melanochrysum is also known as the Black Gold Philodendron. It’s an easy plant to grow that’s appreciated for its dark green leaves. They look almost black and have gold crystalline flecks, thus its Black Gold name.
A climbing vine that grows up to 4 feet tall. It’s generally on the pricier end, but it’s a beautiful philodendron variety.
13. Philodendron Black Cardinal

Philodendron Black Cardinals have a unique appearance with their deep burgundy leaves that also feel black. Fresh leaves start out pink and darken as they mature. The stems are red, offering a nice counter to the dark leaves.
Their growth pattern is upright and bushy. They need standard philodendron care and maintenance, but don’t give them too much light. An excess of light can cause the leaves to turn yellow or fade away.
This plant is an excellent choice for any room. It adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. It’s also very easy to care for.
Learn more in the Philodendron Black Cardinal Care Guide.
14. Philodendron Black Knight
The Philodendron Black Knight has a dark burgundy, heart-shaped leaf. It’s a popular choice because it’s easy to grow from seed and doesn’t require a lot of maintenance once established.
The leaves are thick and glossy, making them ideal for indoor growing.They’re slow growers and prefers indirect light. They don’t need a lot of water either, so allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering.
15. Philodendron White Knight

The Philodendron White Knight is another popular philodendron variety that’s easy to grow and requires little maintenance.
The leaves are small and round, and the plant is compact. It does best when grown in bright indirect light. Its leaves and stem will have a cream color with brown tones that make them a beautiful plant to have.
16. Lacy Tree Philodendron (Philodendron selloum)

The Lacy Tree Philodendron looks very similar to the Xanadu plant. Both plants are from the same species. The difference between the 2 is that the Xanadu is a specific cultivar.
It’s a great plant for beginners who want something different. The lacy tree philodendron has large leaves that are shiny and waxy. They’ll grow up to 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide with the large leaves.
17. Philodendron Hope

The Philodendron Hope is a very popular philodendron that’s easy to grow. It’s a fast-growing plant that reaches heights of 5 feet and widths of 5 feet.
Its leaves are ruffle-shaped and can grow up to 3 feet long. They’re a rich green color with purple veins running throughout. These leaves are very durable and last a long time.
Don’t expect flowers out to bloom quickly with this variety. The Hope philodendron will bloom, but not until the plant is about 15-20 years old.
18. Philodendron ‘Bob Cee’
The Philodendron Bob Cee is a trendy, climbing hybrid that’s been growing in popularity. It conjures a tropic vibe with dark green, deep-lobed foliage that flows down from the tops of its tall stems.
Young leaves start out as shallow lobes and deepen as it matures. Each leaf can grow up to 3 feet long.
A great plant for beginners who want something unique and easy to care.
19. Philodendron Martianum
The Philodendron Martianum is a beautiful plant that looks more like a succulent than a typical philodendron. It has thick green leaves that are shiny. It grows well in bright light and needs regular watering. It is very easy to grow and maintain.
This tropical, epiphytic plant is an unusual philodendron that makes for a great addition to your indoor garden.
20. Philodendron Painted Lady
This philodendron is called “Painted Lady” because of the bright colors on its leaves. It is a hybrid with neon-yellow variegated leaves.
As it grows taller, more colorful leaves appear. The leaves retain vibrant mottling at each growth stage. The petiolate is pink or bright red. It is a climber that needs regular care. It prefers dry conditions.
21. Philodendron Tripartitum
The Philodendron Tripartitum has 3 leaves that grow on each long stem, offering a simple and clean beauty. These tri-leaved philodendrons are growing in popularity.
The Tripartitum love to climb, and they’ll reward you with more leaves if you help them out. Some plants need extra humidity, but they won’t complain too much.
22. Philodendron Melanoneuron
The Philodendron Melanoneuron is a beautiful and unique plant with thick green leaves. It’s easy to grow and requires minimal maintenance. It can climb over supports and is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. It’s a popular choice for philodendron collectors.
23. Philodendron Mexicanum
The Philodendron Mexicanum is vining plant that’s native to Mexico. The leaves are thin and triangular, and they grow longer lobes on the back. As the leaves mature, they become more “dog-ear” like. The plant grows steadily, and it grow to over 6 ft. long.
The Mexicanum prefers bright light over dimmer light. It can leak sap out of its upper petioles, which can attract ants. But the ants are a good thing as they can help protect against pests. If you prefer, you can wash off the sap easily.
24.Philodendron Bernardopazii
The Philodendron Bernardopazil is a tropical plant that grows up to 2 feet tall. It has bright green leaves that are shaped like triangles. It blooms in spring and summer. It needs full sunlight in the mornings and regular waterings.
It was previously named the Philodendron Santa Leopoldina, because it’s native to the town of Santa Leopoldina in Brazil. It was also called Superbum and one point.
25. Philodendron ‘Majesty’
The Philodendron Majesty is a popular plant for its large, dark, oval and pear-shaped leaves. The leaves have a beautiful matte finish.
The Majesty is a climber with vines that will reach 5 ft. long. The plant is hardy and does not mind being outside during winter. It likes warm temperatures and lots of bright indirect sunlight.
26. Philodendron Pink Princess (Philodendron Erubescens)

The Philodendron Pink Princess is native to the rainforests of Costa Rica. Its leaves are heart-shaped, and dark green with pink sections. They turn a lovely shade of pink because they lack chlorophyll.
The Philodendron Erubescens variety is a slow grower, taking several years before reaching maturity. They need plenty of bright indirect light to continue growing.
Learn more about this beauty in the Care Guide for the Philodendron Pink Princess.
27. Philodendron Bipinnatifidum
The Philodendron Bipinnatifidum, also named Split-Leaf Philodendron and Tree Philodendron, has large, broad leaves. It will grow up to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide.
They are easy to grow and do well indoors. They like bright light and heat, but they don’t tolerate cold weather. Their large leaves are susceptible to dust, so you’ll need to wipe them down or they’ll have trouble with photosynthesis.
28. Philodendron Micans

The Philodendron Micans, also called Velvet Leaf Philodendron, is an excellent houseplant for smaller homes, growing only to about 8 inches tall. It has glossy green leaves that are soft and velvety to touch.
The Micans is a great to grow as a hanging plant with its long vines trailing down. It doesn’t like direct sun, so you may want to place it near a window. You can keep it watered regularly, and it should last for at least 10 years.
29. Philodendron Brandtianum

The Philodendron Brandtianum is also known as a Silver Leaf Philodendron for their olive green and silver leaves. It’s a bushier tree than other philodendrons.
These are climbers and are beautiful as a hanging plant with its vines cascading down. They’re ideal for indoor use as they’re easy to care for and will also help clean the air.
30. Philodendron ‘Moonlight’

The Philodendron Moonlight is a popular hybrid plant for its unique foliage. The bright, lime green leaves are non-vining. They start out as bright yellow leaves that darken as it matures.
The Moonlight is a bright, cheerful plant that likes lots of bright indirect light to keep its leaves birght. It’s a fast grower, but isn’t that big, only growing up to 2 feet tall.
The Philodendron Red Moon is a similar cultivar.
31. Fiddleleaf Philodendron (Philodendron Bipennifolium)

The Philodendron Bipennifolium is a very large, climbing plant that grows up to 7 feet tall and spreading to 5 feet wide. It has thick, leathery leaves that are triangle-shaped.
It needs lots of bright indirect sunlight and warmth to thrive and grow their uniquely shaped leaves. They are very tolerant of high humidity levels as they’re native to the tropics of Brazil and Argentina.
32. Silver Sword Philodendron (Philodendron Hastatum)

Leaves of the horse-shaped Silver Sword Philodendron variety are a beautiful shade of green. This plant prefers to grow in the ground or up vertical surfaces. It’s a very cute creeping plant that grows to about three feet tall.
The serene silvered hue is contrasted beautifully by the sharp lance-shaped leaf. The elegant foliage of this plant make it a wonderful statement piece for the home.
33. Philodendron ‘Florida Ghost’

The Philodendron Florida Ghost morphs into different forms depending on lighting conditions. It produces irregular oval shaped leaves that grow ‘arms’ before maturing into deep cuts on lobes.
The plant is hardy and requires more light to produce its variegation. The Florida Ghost will also change its shape over time as it grows. This beauty is a hybrid of two plants, Philodendron Pedatum and Squamiferoum.
34. Philodendron ‘Green Congo’

The Philodendron Green Congo grows tall and wide. This tropical philodendron is easy to care for. It doesn’t need much water or sunlight. It’s perfect as a houseplant because it doesn’t require much space.
The Congo Rojo is a popular strain for its red, green, and burgundy colored leaves. The Congo loves warmth and should stay above 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
You may not find the Congo (a tropical plant) in a local nursery, or even an online store, but you can buy them online.
35. Philodendron Mayoi
The Philodendron Mayoi is a tropical plant that prefers growing in warm climates. It has medium-sized green leaves that grow into interesting, palm-like shapes up to two feet tall.
The Mayoi loves to climb and trail. It’s easy to grow but does best with plenty of room to spread. It’s great for hanging baskets and containers.
36. Philodendron Camposportoanum

The Philodendron Camposportoanum is a small, slow growing philodendron that is easy to grow. It’s a great choice for beginners who want something compact and low maintenance.
The Camposportoanaum is a tropical plant with dark velvet tiny leaves when it is young. As it grows, the leaves become heart-shaped with long, black lobes. As the plant grows, it resembles a tri-leaf philodendron.
37. Philodendron Squamiferum
The Philodendron Squamiferum is an unusual indoor plant. It grows up to 2 feet tall and has large lobed green leaves. It has hairy stems that are reddish in color.
This plant needs regular water and fertilizer. It doesn’t need much light ,but should be kept away from direct sunlight. It’s easy to grow and requires minimal maintenance.
Squamiferums are not easy to find, but they’re very popular. Their tropical background makes them a great addition to any collection.
38. Philodendron Verrucosum
The Philodendron Verrucosum has broad and heart shaped leaves. There are many colors on the leaf. The underside of the leaf is yellowish and there is a red blush between the vein. Older leaves become more uniform green. Petioles are thick with fuzzy hair.
The Verrucosum is a succulent plant that can grow in arid regions, but prefers medium humidity. It is very sensitive to changes in weather conditions. It does not like low or high temperatures. It is a climber that requires support. It propagates easily by cutting.
39. Philodendron Subhastatum
The Philodendron Subhastatum looks like a normal philodendron from the front, but when you see its backside, it’s a completely different story. The plant’s leaves are red colored on the undersides.
The Subhastatum is very strong and grows well if given enough space. It’s a newer variety that is becoming more popular in recent months.
40. Philodendron Plowmanii
The Philodendron Plowmanii plant has a very interesting shape. Its leaf veins stand out as if they were carved into the leaf. The petioles are long and slender.
The plant grows slowly and doesn’t need much water. It has a silver color when young but changes to a green-yellow color as it matures.
These are small plants and easy to grow, so great if you have a small home.
41. Philodendron Atabapoense
The Philodendron Atabapoense has sword-shaped leaves with a purple underside. It grows about 2 feet long. The leaves become wider as they grow longer.
The Atabapoense is easy going and grows rapidly. The petioles of the plant are particularly long which helps it stretch out, so it can get enough sunlight as it grows as an Epiphyte in nature,
This particular variety likes moist but well-drained soil and some humidity, similar to other philodendron varieties. If the environment has high humidity, numerous aerial roots will grow from the plant which gives the plant a beautiful appearance.
Philodendron Varieties Final Thoughts
There are so many wonderful varieties of philodendrons. They come in every size imaginable, from miniature to giants. Some are climbers while others prefer to grow upright. Most are hardy and easy to grow.
Most are also quite inexpensive, so great value to add to your garden.