Peace Lily Flowers Turning Green: Causes and Fixes

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If you’ve bought or received a lovely Peace Lily Plant as a gift, you know how beautiful and elegant these plants are, especially when their flowers bloom. Delicate white hooded spathes are framed by dark green oval leaves that bring a touch of class to the décor.

But then you see your beautiful white peace lily flowers turning green, and you’d like to know why. Is it something that you are doing or not doing that is to blame for this sudden color change? This article will cover the main reasons that peace lily flowers turn green and the solutions to get back white flowers.

Ready to solve the why your peace lily’s green blooms? Let’s find out the five main reasons for this change and see how to keep your peace lily healthy and beautiful!

6 Key Takeaways on Peace Lily Flowers Turning Green

  1. Peace lily flowers turning green is often a natural part of their life cycle, indicating the plant’s attempt to photosynthesize and fulfill its nutritional needs.
  2. Excessive exposure to direct sunlight can cause peace lily flowers to turn green, while insufficient light can lead to yellowing.
  3. Over-fertilization with high-nitrogen fertilizers can intensify greenness in peace lily flowers and lead to root burn.
  4. Environmental stressors, such as low humidity and improper temperatures, can contribute to a peace lily’s flowers turning green prematurely.
  5. Newly repotted or relocated peace lilies may experience plant shock, which can manifest as green blooms.
  6. Maintaining indirect sunlight, balanced watering, and proper humidity levels is crucial for keeping peace lilies healthy and promoting white blooms.

Reasons Peace Lily Flowers Turn Green

The Spathiphyllum ssp. Is a popular houseplant belonging to the Araceae family. It is not a true lily and does not belong to the Liliaceae. Instead, they are related to such houseplants as the Pothos, the Philodendrons, or the Monsteros.

What is generally described as a peace lily bloom or flower is a spathe or type of leaf. Spathes are modified to act as protection for a “spadix” that actually bears the plant’s flowers.

Because the spathe is a type of foliage, it is capable of photosynthesis and can change color. So why does a spathe turn green?

There are several reasons for white blooms to turn into green blooms, a few of which you can influence.

1. Part of the Natural Process

Two peace lily flowers one is green and the other is white.

Your peace lily flower turning green is a natural part of its life cycle. Initially, the spathe may show a greenish tint before opening, transitioning to cream or white. As the flower ages, it can revert to green before eventually browning and dying.

This green hue signifies the plant’s attempt to photosynthesize, a process requiring chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. Through photosynthesis, the peace lily creates nourishment for growth.

Studies show that a green spathe is a normal response to the plant’s nutritional needs. This cycle allows the spathe to provide nutrients for the bloom and potentially photosynthesize one last time before the flower dies. When this happens, there’s no need to intervene; it’s simply nature at work.

2. Heavy Exposure to Direct Sunlight

A common theory suggests that excessive direct sunlight causes a peace lily flower to turn green, while others believe insufficient light leads to this change, similar to variegated plants losing their patterns in low light.

Sunlight is essential for chlorophyll production in flowering plants; too little light can cause yellowing, while too much can lead to bleaching and degradation of chlorophyll.

When a peace lily receives excessive light, the spathe may turn green as it starts to produce chlorophyll for photosynthesis.

Overexposure to sunlight will also scorch the leaves and their blooms. The peace lily leaf tips and edges will turn brown, dry, and crispy.

Solution to Heavy Sunlight Exposure:

If your plant is in a location that receives too much direct light, and the spathes are suffering, move the plant to an area with indirect light.

Peace lilies do still require some light to survive and enter their blooming phase. Because they are native to tropical rainforests, they require indirect sunlight.

3. Overfertilization

While fertilizing provides vital nutrients to your peace lily, overfeeding with fertilizers high in nitrogen or iron can cause the flowers to turn green. According to the University of Vermont’s Department of Plant and Soil Science, greenish blooms indicate excessive “fertility.” This condition can occur at any stage of the flower’s life cycle, and correcting the issue may help the flower revert to its natural white color.

High nitrogen levels, essential for chlorophyll, can intensify the greenness of both leaves and flowers. Iron deficiency can also lead to yellowing foliage. Over-fertilization risks root burns, resulting in fewer and weaker flowers. 

Solution to Overfertilization:

As a peace lily plant is not a heavy feeder, you only need to fertilize it a couple of times a year during the growing season (spring and summer).

Use a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to half-strength or even a 10-10-10 NPK ratio. When selecting your fertilizer, choose one specifically for flowering plants because it will contain more phosphorous.

4. Environmental Stress

One peace lily flowers turning green, with three other white flowers.

If your peace lily is not cared for properly, flowers may turn green. Environmental causes such as low humidity, improper temperature, or bad water quality can contribute to a flower turning green in advance of its natural life cycle.

Solution to Environmental Stress:

Because a peace lily is not a very demanding plant, do try to maintain the basic care and maintenance requirements.

  • The environmental temperature range should measure between 65° and 85°F.
  • The humidity level should measure at least 50% or above.
  • Light needs to be indirect, although medium and low-light conditions will suffice.
  • The soil bed should be a rich organic potting soil with a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Keep the soil moist, but not soggy.
  • Fertilize every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season.
  • Remove dead or damaged foliage.
  • Repot your peace lily every two years

5. Plant Shock

A peace lily turned green that is bathed in sunlight.

If you have recently repotted your peace lily, or your plant is brand new to your home or office, it may be experiencing plant shock. Your plant will need to acclimate to a change in the environment. Flowers that turn green may be a result of the plant shock.

Solution to Plant Shock:

Provide the best possible conditions as described above and handle the root ball gently when repotting. Provide consistent plant care and you’ll have healthy blooms.

Peace Lily Flowers Turning Green Final Thoughts

If you take good care of your peace lily, it will reward you by producing beautiful blooms throughout the spring and summer months. When a peace lily shows green blooms, it typically indicates natural aging or reactions to its environment. Factors like cold drafts, incorrect lighting, and excessive bright light can all cause this change.

To care for peace lilies effectively, remember they flourish in indirect sunlight. It’s also important to maintain a balanced approach to watering and fertilization. Using diluted fertilizer prevents over-fertilization, which can result in brown flowers and weakened blooms.

Keeping humidity levels steady and avoiding sudden environmental shifts is vital for healthy growth. By recognizing these elements, you can encourage vibrant white flowers while reducing the chances of green peace lily blooms. 

Peace Lily Flowers Turning Green FAQs

1. How Can I Prevent a Lot of Peace Lilies From Developing Green Blooms?

To prevent your peace lilies from turning green, pay attention to their care requirements. Ensure they receive indirect sunlight, as excessive bright light or incorrect lighting can trigger this green stage. Also, maintain a balanced watering routine and use diluted fertilizer to avoid over-fertilization. 

2. Should I Cut Off Peace Lily Flowers That Are Turning Green?

No, it is not necessary to cut a green peace lily flower. Wait until a flower turns brown or is dying before trimming. Green spathes are not a clear indication of imminent death.

3. Why Is My Peace Lily Bloom Not White?

Your peace lily bloom may not be white because of improper care, lack of light, over-feeding, or poor surrounding environment. The other reason that your blooms are not white is that the specific peace lily variety you have blooms different colors.

4. Why Do My Peace Lily Flowers Turn Green During Their Life Cycle?

Peace lily flowers may turn green during their natural aging process. This green stage indicates that the plant is attempting to photosynthesize and fulfill its nutritional needs. For many indoor plants, including the beloved peace lily plant, this transformation is a normal part of their life cycle.

Check out these interesting reads to learn more about peace lilies:

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Written by:

Amy Walsh
Amy Walsh is a passionate indoor gardener, deeply engrossed in the world of houseplants and herbs. Her apartment is a lush sanctuary of foliage, reflecting her journey from hobbyist to devoted botanist. She's constantly exploring the latest in smart garden technology, eager to share her insights on nurturing green spaces indoors. Alongside her botanical pursuits, Amy enjoys connecting with nature and friends, continually enriching her lifestyle with greenery and growth.

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